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Hope Is Where the Heart Is

Prijímateľ: EDUTECH o.z.

Názov projektu: Rozvoj digitálnych zručností sluchovo postihnutých občanov

Výšku zazmluvneného  NFP: 199 164,64 €

Stručný opis projektu:  cieľom projektu je poskytnúť týmto znevýhodneným občanom a taktiež osobám pracujúcim a vzdelávajúcim tieto znevýhodnené skupiny digitálne znalosti a zručnosti a to formou vzdelávacieho programu EduTech.

„Informácie o Operačnom programe Integrovaná infraštruktúra 2014 – 2020  nájdete 


Communicating in Sign Language


Founded in 2021, EduTech has made its goal to develop online education programs for people with special needs and disadvantaged/displaced groups.

In the wake of the humanitarian crisis caused by the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation,


EduTech has expanded its activities to Humanitarian Help, Volunteering, and Assistance to refugees. We stand by the democratic values and support the people of Ukraine.

Get in Touch
Video Call with Sign Language

Online Academy

1. Creating a Comprehensive Resume: Learn the art of crafting winning resumes, a key skill for making an exceptional first impression in the job market.

2. Mastering Microsoft Excel: Gain expertise in using MS Excel for effective budgeting, business calculations, and more, laying a solid foundation for career growth.

3. Web Development with Dive into the exciting world of website creation using This course is a step for those interested in offering web development services.

4. Shopify for Entrepreneurs: Discover how to start and grow your own online store using Shopify, a skill that paves the way for entrepreneurial success.


EduTech has its main focus on Education! Our main objective is to acquaint youths and adults with special needs with marketable skills, thus giving them a better opportunity to gain independence by earning a much above-average living. 

Besides educational activities, we volunteer in the communities, gathering humanitarian help. Working with refugees by helping them to find their way around, get the necessary documents and set up their lives in a new country. 

EduTech empowers communities and minorities by teaching them valuable skills in order to advance in the fast paced and crisis ridden world. 


Volunteer Doing Paperwork


Girl Power


We work hard to develop our projects and achieve our goals. In this section you will get a chance to catch a glimpse into our mission statement a a few ouf our latest activities. 



Mgr. Wjatscheslaw Kravtchenko, the founder of EduTech explains the mission of the EduTech Civic Association, talks about current projects and future goals of EduTech OZ. 

Online Education

Online Academy for the Hearing Impaired Kids and Teens. 

We would like to introduce our curriculum for the hearing impaired kids to master the latest digitalisation challenges in the Slovak Republic.


EDUTECH: Helps where it's mostly needed.

We don't brag about our activities. In this section we will briefly describe what we have done so far to help our Ukrainian brothers and sisters amid the ongoing invasion by the Russian Federation. 


EduTech OZ, Novohorská 7491/28, 831 06 Bratislava, Slovakia

IČO: 30793041 | DIČ: 2021806215

Email: slava[at]

Tel: +420704313144

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